In the pursuit of fostering affordable housing initiatives, the New Jersey Division of Taxation has introduced a crucial exemption aimed at supporting the construction and enhancement of affordable housing projects. Understanding the nuances of this exemption is pivotal for contractors, housing sponsors, and stakeholders involved in advancing accessible housing options across the state.

The exemption targets the purchase of materials, supplies, and services by contractors or repairmen engaged in erecting, building, improving, altering, or repairing real property for housing sponsors involved in affordable housing projects. This initiative underscores New Jersey’s commitment to addressing the critical need for affordable housing solutions for its residents.

Eligibility Criteria:

Essential to note is that all units within the housing project must be designated for individuals with moderate, low, or very low incomes to qualify for this exemption. This prerequisite ensures that the benefits of the exemption are directed towards projects genuinely aimed at catering to the housing needs of economically disadvantaged individuals and families.

Claiming Procedures:

Contractors undertaking work on eligible affordable housing projects must adhere to specific procedures to claim the exemption. A pivotal step involves providing a fully completed Form ST-13, commonly referred to as the Contractor’s Exempt Purchase Certificate, to the seller. Failure to furnish this form mandates the seller to collect the applicable tax.

Impacts on Affordable Housing Projects:

This exemption serves as a critical incentive for contractors and housing sponsors to actively participate in the development and improvement of affordable housing units throughout New Jersey. By alleviating the tax burden associated with essential purchases, the state endeavors to expedite the completion of these projects, ultimately benefiting communities in need of affordable housing alternatives.

Guidance for Stakeholders:

For contractors and housing sponsors navigating the intricacies of claiming this exemption, it’s essential to familiarize themselves with the requisite documentation and procedural guidelines outlined by the New Jersey Division of Taxation. Seeking clarification and guidance from relevant authorities can streamline the process and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

The introduction of tax exemptions for affordable housing projects in New Jersey signifies a significant stride towards addressing the state’s housing affordability challenges. By providing financial relief to stakeholders involved in these initiatives, New Jersey reaffirms its commitment to promoting equitable access to housing for all its residents, irrespective of income levels. It’s imperative for stakeholders to leverage these exemptions effectively to maximize the positive impact on affordable housing development across the state.

For additional details and tax advice, please contact Martin D. Hauptman at (973) 243-7912 or via email at
