In the dental profession today, many conversations broach the topic of DSOs. There is a lot of information out there, both true and false. There also is a great deal of confusion about what DSOs really do and how they operate. On September 22nd, Casey Gocel, Esq., Co-Chair of our National Dental Law Group, will take the stage at the AAOMS Annual Meeting to help the nation’s leading oral surgeons better understand the DSO decision. Her talk, titled “The DSO Decision: Winning Answers from Every Angle,” is designed for anyone considering selling their practice to a DSO, partnering with a DSO, starting a DSO, working for a DSO, or seeking a better understanding of how DSOs operate. The session will also cover effective strategies to compete with DSOs and preserve the private practice of dentistry.

Join Casey and other members of our National Dental Law team in San Diego for this exciting event! Register here:

Don’t forget to visit Booth #1139 to meet our attorneys and receive complimentary copies of Bill Barrett and Casey Gocel’s recent best-selling books, “Pain Free Dental Deals” and “The DSO Decision: Winning Answers from Every Angle.”
